Thursday, August 26, 2010

Sunday Scribblings

I've been looking around for something to add a little more umpf to my blog..something to keep me going when I don't really have much to talk about. Well, I think I've found it. After searching through several different Journal Prompt Challenges, I stumbled on this blog:
The idea is that a prompt is posted each Saturday so you, me, or your mom can get our brain juices flowing and post what we came up with on Sunday. Hence, Sunday Scribblings. Once you've posted your magnificence, they ask that you post a comment on the prompt and leave the link so they can spread your words 'round. It's a pretty nifty idea and it's not something that I have to commit to doing daily, which I like. It's just a weekly thing and I think even with my very-forgetful, easily-distracted mind, I can keep up with that.

So, stay tuned for my first Sunday Scribbling..which you should see..well, Sunday. ; )

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